Crow's feet treatment Leamington Spa
Have you ever been stressed of your crow’s feet? Looking for a more secure method to treat this? You no longer require to worry! We have a Treatment For Crows Feet with HIFU !
Have you ever been stressed of your crow’s feet? Looking for a more secure method to treat this? You no longer require to worry! We have a Treatment For Crows Feet with HIFU !
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound or HIFU will help you solve your problem! Crow’s feet also referred to as laughter lines that split up from the corners of the eyes. This commonly causes by the ageing process and blocks make-up application, concealers, and foundation.
It also improves wrinkles’ lines and look of fine lines. HIFU offers the best technology to treat your crow’s feet with no side effects. We can concentrate around the eye area, unlike chemical peels our range of treatments can even help with dark circles. Contact our skin clinic today and we will be able to book an initial consultation to look at skin rejuvenation and skin tightening.
Looking to reduce frown lines, forehead lines, lip lines, static lines and even deep creases. HIFU increases collagen production. With a combination of treatments you can achieve reduction of creases. Even in the outer corners of the eyes. We offer a wide range of treatments. All effective treatments to treat fine lines and wrinkles without the need for surgery. Pigmentation issues, scars, jowls and reduction in pores is all possible from our medical professionals.
For a more youthful appearance, and improved skin health, HIFU targets the facial muscles to treat crow’s feet. It has minimal downtime compared to dermal fillers or facial surgery. If you are looking for dynamic wrinkles treatment but want to avoid botox and other harmful toxins we have the answer. A youthful look, glowing skin awaits! You may experience slight swelling or bruising some customers have had a migraine after treatment but ibuprofen should be avoided and take aspirin if needed.
Long Lasting & natural Results
It provides the latest and non-surgical procedures. The technique being used is also clinically proven. This can help to tighten your skin and eradicate the unwanted fats!
How Crow’s feet treatment Leamington Spa works?
As we get old, we face so many skin problems since the production of our collagen gets slow.
This results in the loss of elasticity of the skin and even its laxity and tone. Appearance of fine lines can happen on all areas of the face. For more youthful look we can even remove deeper lines. The best part is you can return to normal activities right away.
HIFU makes use of Ultrasound energy to target even the deepest structural layer of the skin. Facial expressions and expression lines can deepen over time. We offer effective results for problem treatment plan. These facial aesthetics can even treat vertical lines on treated area. The good news is we can strengthen specific facial muscles. We can treat the jawline with a range of aesthetic treatments. You can return to daily activities straight away.
Why We Get Crows Feet
This includes the dermis, epidermis, and superficial dermis. It stimulates the production of collagen by causing micro-injuries in these three layers of the skin, making you look beautiful and young.
As your collagen increases, it will lead to the lifting and tightening of the skin. The procedure will stimulate the increase of your collagen in the deepest support layers that other anti-ageing procedures can’t affect.
The effectiveness of HIFU Treatment
You may be doubting about the effectiveness of HIFU treatment. Well, after the procedure, you will easily notice the skin tightening effects in your skin.
You don’t have to worry since these improvements are constant for weeks or months, and the connective tissues of your skin will also tighten and regenerate.
You will achieve skin tone and elasticity after the first treatment; however, it can be repeated after every three months to maintain the effects. Still, the effectiveness of HIFU relies on the tissue’s laxity and to your goal in treating your crow’s feet.
The effects can also be limited to the skin’s capability to revitalise. Still, it can be enhanced with a proper supplement and a healthy diet so you can experience the effects. Contact Facelift365 now and experience the beauty it can give you!